Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
We are located at The Blox Arts Center 834 11 Ave SW, in the Beltline area of Calgary.
Are you wheelchair accessible?
Here is what you need to know about accessibility in our new space in the Beltline:
Main entrance and space for shows and classes is on flat ground with a ramp from the parking lot.
Washrooms are generally accessible.
Parking is a limited parking lot - there are no designated parking spots.
If there are accommodations we can arrange for you, please drop us a line in advance of your planned visit.
What can I expect at an improv show?
Improv is spontaneous, unscripted theatre – meaning we write, direct and perform a show simultaneously, right before your eyes! An improv show will have some kind of format or structured, but the content is entirely unique, never to be performed again. It’s about discovering the scene in the moment – when the players and audience find unexpected connections and joy.
When people ask if it was scripted or planned (answer: none of it) – it’s the highest compliment and we know we made improv magic!
How much does the audience participate?
Most shows will ask the audience for one suggestion at the start of the show. Examples are: a simple word, the title of a never-before-written play, or something you did that day. The suggestion gives our improvisers a starting point to inspire their show. The actors might build the whole show around the suggestion, but often will also “follow the rabbit hole” to new ideas it inspires.
A small number of our shows have more audience interaction, like inviting someone onstage. Your participation is 100% voluntary – meaning we will never pick on you or drag you on stage! That’s just not how we roll. We want the shows to be fun for you.
Are Kinkonauts shows age appropriate?
The short answer is: it depends on your comfort as a parent/guardian! Our shows are completely improvised and the unexpected can happen, so viewer discretion is advised.
Some of our shows try to stay PG-13, but other shows regularly venture into “HBO” territory, including adult language, mature subject matter, sexuality, simulated violence, etc. Unless a show is advertised as kid- or family-friendly, we don’t make any guarantees about content.
Everyone’s parenting style is different – we don’t profess to be the jury on what’s appropriate for different kids. If you are OK with the above disclaimers, then you are welcome to bring your kids to our shows!
I’m interested in trying improv. How do I start?
First of all, that’s awesome and so are you! We might be biased, but we think everyone should try improv! It’s an incredibly welcoming and supportive craft.
We suggest starting with one of our introductory classes designed for complete beginners to explore the foundations in a supportive environment!
You can also come to Accelerator, our drop-in workshop – an all-levels class offered (almost) every Saturday. Accelerator is a fun way to meet different improvisers in the community.
And if you haven’t seen a show, we definitely recommend that, too! If you have any more questions, send us a note.
What are your community standards for a safe and welcoming space?
The Kinkonauts are committed to providing a physically and psychologically safe environment free of discrimination, harassment, and abuse, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, feel empowered to advocate for themselves and others and have equal access to support and opportunities.
For more information you can read our full community standards document here.