Late Night with The Kinkonauts
Jinkies!/What’s New Kitty Lou?
An Improvised Scooby Doo Inspired Cartoon Mystery
The Kinkonauts animation department is debuting their brand-new animated cartoon mystery show “What’s New Kitty Lou?” with the help of the head animator Chuck McClusky. The Clue Catchers, a ragtag talented group of meddling kids that drive around in their infamous Clue Cart and eat “Groovy Snacks” TM are here to solve a 60s themed mystery with possible ghosts, ghouls, goblins or… Wait, Old Man Jenkins? Complete with cartoon sound effects, animal mascots, a surprise celebrity guest and even a little optional audience participation, "Jinkies!" is gonna make you go “Zoinks!”, “Jeepers” and “Ruh-Roh!”. Don’t miss the first Late Night with the Kinkonauts show! Bar will be open an hour afterwards where we’ll all jam to groovy songs from the 60s and hang out.